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There is no better way to maintain the safety and ventilation of your building than to purchase a new or refurbished air handling unit. Continue reading to learn why.

Why Choose Air Handling Units and AHU Refurbishment?

Air handling units and air handling unit refurbishment come with numerous benefits. Sterile air is essential in order to avoid the possibility of transmissions from the air, particularly in highly populated areas such as hospitals. It's also important to ensure that your team is healthy if you have returned to face-to-face operations in your office.

AHUs are a great solution. You will be able to appreciate the unique advantages of an air handling system if you have already purchased one or had it refurbished. The benefits of air handling units may be a bit hazy if you don't know much about them. Let's take a look at all things air handling units. We will discuss the pros and cons, as well as the reasons why refurbishing an existing unit might be better than purchasing a brand new one.

What is an Air Handling Unit?

The AHUs are small, easily accessible boxes that are usually placed on the roof of buildings. The AHU circulates and transmits clean air through ducts to all rooms in the premises. This provides appropriate ventilation. This system provides a single solution for large buildings that have a lot of people or places with limited natural ventilation.

The air handling unit performs many useful functions in addition to basic ventilation. The AHU's air purification capacities allow for the quality control of the air. This ensures that the air is always clean. The air handling unit can also regulate the temperature of the indoor environment, controlling how warm or cool it is, and monitoring humidity levels to make sure you are comfortable. Air handling units are also extremely energy-efficient, which will save you money and reduce negative environmental impacts over the long-term.

Pros of Air Handling Unit Repair

Don't panic if you own an air handling unit that appears to be running less effectively. It doesn't necessarily mean your air handling unit is not performing as well as it used to, but it does not mean it is time to replace it. Refurbishing an air handling unit can often be more cost-effective than purchasing a new one. Let's look at why.

One clear reason is the upfront cost. It is much cheaper to source the parts you need to repair your air handling unit than to purchase a new system. This can help you save both time and money. Refurbishing your air handler unit is also quicker and more affordable. This means that it will be easier to make adjustments as needed. It will be much simpler for your contractor and your business to schedule the refurbishment around your work schedule.

Last but not the least, the cost reduction doesn't happen up front. Air handling unit refurbishment helps you save a lot of cash long-term. It will also increase the reliability and energy efficiency of your system by innovative upgrades that will dramatically lower your running costs.

The UK's Best Air Handling Units

We are proud to offer the UK's best AHUs and refurbishment. Get in touch today if you are interested in purchasing an AHU or need to revamp your existing system.


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